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Clothing- needs to be free from stains, fading and pilling, missing buttons, etc. and basically in excellent used condition. - can be from any season, but we recommend that you keep the very summery at home for the fall sales, and the very wintery at home for the spring sales, as they do not sell well out of their respective season. - Shoes must have very little wear/scuffing. - Our sale is focused on high quality name brand clothing. Please note we will accept a limited amount of clothing from Carters, OshKosh, and other store brands. Any clothing item you bring in should be in current style. -Brands that sell well: Mini Boden, Jack and Jill, Tea Collection, Lululemon, Athleta, Hanna Anderson, Nike, Under Armour, Adidas, Tucker & Take, Gap. Again, please understand that some items may not be accepted, simply because they are not what our shoppers are looking for.
Maternity WearNew to our last sale! We will now accept very stylish maternity pieces. Bear in mind that if your sister-in-law gave it to you and you never wore it because it is ugly, our shoppers probably agree with you! Please leave these items at home.
FurnitureAll items must be in great condition, meet current safety standards and the fabrics should be clean and up to date. Please nothing over 5 years old. Car seats must be less than 5 years old and have never been involved in an accident. Bouncers, swings etc should have all pieces and batteries included, so shoppers can see them work. Cribs must be disassembled and include all parts and a large picture of how it looks fully assembled (can be the actual crib or a stock photo.) All consignors will sign a waiver stating that all the items they are selling are not part of a recall and meet current safety standards. For more info regarding recalled items, please visit:
ToysWe will accept a limited amount of toys with preference given to high quality, learning, and NWT toys. Any toy that requires batteries, needs to have them included so that shoppers can see they are in working order. All toys should be clean and new looking. Any small pieces should be in a plastic bag attached to the toy. Only new stuffed animals will be accepted.
Women's Athleisure WearWe accept women's athleisure wear in all sizes. Brands that sell well are Nike, Under Armor, Lululemon, Athleta.
PricingThe table fee for Crème Brulee is $65 for the duration of the sale. If you would like to purchase 2 tables, there is a $30 discount, making the fee for both is $100. We do not collect any percentage of your sales, you will keep 100% of your profits. You are responsible for paying any and all applicable taxes (i.e. sales tax) on your profits.
Booth SpaceYour area will consist of a 2.5ft deep x 6ft wide table. Crème Brulee will provide this table along with two chairs for each Boutique seller. You may also use the wall area behind your space for signage or to display products. Please feel free to get creative with your space! But, please let us know if you will be bringing clothing racks, furniture, etc.
Set Up HoursSet up will be from 2pm-5pm on Thursday.
ContactIf you have any questions before the sale, please email If you have any questions or concerns during the sale just come to the cashier station and we will be happy to help you!
Driving DirectionsThe sale is held in the gym of the Kent Commons 525 4th Ave N. Kent, WA 98032 From I-405: Take the Kent/Auburn Exit onto Highway 167 South. Go south six miles to the Willis Street Exit. Go east on Willis Street to 4th Avenue. Take a left onto 4th Avenue and go approximately 4 blocks. The Kent Commons will be on your left-hand side, north of the Regional Justice Center and just west of Kent Station shops and Restaurants. From 167: Take the Willis Street Exit. Go east on Willis Street to 4th Avenue. Take a left onto 4th Avenue and go approximately 4 blocks. The Kent Commons will be on your left-hand side, north of the Regional Justice Center and just west of Kent Station shops and Restaurants. From I-5: Take the Kent/Des Moines Exit #149. You will be on Kent/Des Moines Road. Go east down the hill 1.5 miles to 4th Avenue. Take a left onto 4th Avenue and go approximately 4 blocks. The Kent Commons will be on your left-hand side, north of the Regional Justice Center and just west of Kent Station shops and Restaurants
Loading & UnloadingDuring Set Up and Take Down times, we will open the large roll up door in the East Gym for easy access.
ParkingBoutique sellers may park in the back parking lot of the Kent Commons right up against the building. This parking states Parking by Permit only, but during the sale it is permitted.
TaggingAfter you have signed up to consign, it's time to start tagging! Use our barcoded tagging system and print on white or ivory cardstock only. Regular paper can become easily detached from your item, and colored paper is harder for our bar scanners to read. When tagging clothing, attach to the tag or seam on the item itself- DO NOT affix your tag to the hanger or other packaging. A retail tag gun is worth the small investment if you have a lot items. A vertical safety pin is acceptable as well. Do not use straight pins, ouch! Make sure all items that go together are attached to one another. When tagging large or irregular objects, use common sense, just make sure the tag is clearly visible and that it will not damage the item when removed.
PricingYou are absolutely in control of the price of each piece. We want you to be happy with the price your item sells for, of course we also want your items to sell well. Use common sense and consider the brand and condition. Try to think what you would pay for the item in excellent used condition. It will be purchased quickly if it's a bargain. When possible, include original packaging. Also, multiple piece outfits tend to sell better than individual pieces. If you are not sure what to price an item, refer to the pricing guide. Please stay in 50 cent increments; $6.50 or $7.00- not $6.49 or $6.99. Optional guide: Brands such as Old Navy other store brands: Single top, bodysuit, leggings, skirt, pj’s, other basics $1-$4 Jeans, sweaters, jackets, dresses $3-$8 Multi piece outfits: $5-$12 Name brands including Gap, Gymboree, Hannah Andersson ect. Single top, bodysuit, leggings, skirt, pj’s, other basics $3-$8 Jeans, sweaters, jackets, dresses $5-$16 Multi piece outfits: Top & bottom $6-$14 Several pieces $9-$20 *If you have many pieces from the same line, we would recommend making them into outfits vs selling as individual pieces or trying to sell them altogether. Very High end such as tea collection, baby cakes, baby nay, Catamini, Janie and Jack other boutique and European brands: Single top, bodysuit, leggings, skirt, pj’s, other basics $5-$14 Jeans, sweaters, Jackets, dresses $8-$20 Multi piece outfits: Top and bottom $10-$18 Several pieces $14-$28 Shoes sell best in the $4-$8 range, making exceptions for higher end shoes that are brand new.
Do you accept all seasons of clothing at both sales?Yes. At Crème Brulee, we believe that many moms look ahead to the next season/size when making their purchases, so we allow our consigners to bring all seasons. Keep in mind that some items, such as swim wear and Christmas dresses, sell best in their proper season.
What if I want to consign but I can't make the drop-off or pickup times?Drop off times are available from 2:00pm-5:00pm on Thursday the day before the sale opens to the public. Pick up is available from 7:00-8:00pm on Saturday. You may have a friend of family member do either for you if you cannot make it. We are unable to transport items to the sale for you, or hold your items after the sale has ended. If you do not pick up your items, they are immediately donated
I have some cute clothes that are in excellent condition, but they aren't very high end brands. Can I still consign them with you?"Yes, we will accept a stylish piece of clothing in great condition even if it’s not name brand. What we want to avoid is someone who wants to consign only store brand/outlet type clothing. If this is mostly what you have, then probably this is not the sale for you.
What if I have lots of great stuff, but no time to prepare it?"If you don't have time to clean, press, price and tag your items, you may be invited to take advantage of VIP Tagging, and we'll do all of that for you. This option is available to consignors who have items that are in high demand with our shoppers, name brand, and in season. Preference will be given to clothing in sizes above 2T, as the smaller sizes are more plentiful at the sale. Email us if you would like to be considered, as this popular option fills up fast and may not be available too close to the sale. Upon contacting us about VIP Tagging, you will recieve a detailed overview of how this will work for you.
How do I become a Boutique Seller?Simply email us and let us know about the products you make or represent, and we'll go from there. We have several different options for Boutique sellers to help you be successful. Please note we do not accept any businesses that are not focused on items for babies, kids or families.
AdvertisingCrème Brulee advertises at a variety of different physical and online locations. We encourage each Boutique Seller to advertise on your website, blog, or send out an e-mail letting your customers know that you will be at the Crème Brulee Kids Sale!
Overnight SecurityThe gym is locked up and secured each evening. We have never had any problems with theft, but our insurance people make us state that we are not responsible for loss or damage to any Boutique Vendors.
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